Now an old dog learning new tricks, I was born on the Mason Dixon Line in 1941. I don't know which music I remember first: excerpts from a Schubert Symphony on my siblings' and my 78s turntable or whooping live Gospel Music radio broadcasts booming from the top of the fold-out ironing board in the living room where the maid ironed my father's shirts.
I finished the 2nd grade at the Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC. A class trip to the local Wonder Bread factory - a fantasmagoric assembly line in a huge space - made a lasting impression on me. The year was 1946 or 1947.
After that the Isenberghs volleyed between Paris, France and DC where I attended secondary schools both French and American until college in Cambridge MA in the USA. This is where I have lived mostly since. Lately my life has consistently been amazing. So I am taking this late in life moment to show and tell.
Flashback Snapshot to the Sixties.
And to the early Seventies.
In the early part of the Noughties, I published several CDs published here in eMuse's Adventures as Interactive Multi Play Players media music pages :
"The First Jukebox" 1999-2001,
"Holidays 2001" December 2001, a collection of soundscapes made in the wake of 9-11
"Songs with Whales" Summer 2002 and later, the most fun,
"Homage Xtra" Winter 2003, Beethoven jokes and tribute during a deep winter.
These are each Acts in the eMuse Sound Odyssey which spans 2000-2010.
Some of eMuse's very earliest, pre-Video music pieces of note or ahem notoriety: 'Millennium Medley', 'Neptunes', 'To Max in A' were performed at Longy along with some chapters from my end of 2003 DVD "Singularities":
which is entirely set to moving stills from concurrent adventures and will be put online.
A bit later in the decade, I started producing Videos: from the first and perhaps most poetic
"Maui Suite", Three MultiMedia Pieces Summer 2004
which uses other people's music for Soundtrack
This was followed by many Videos with my own Soundtracks, to "Big Dig at Harvard, a Motor Music Video", released in 2009 thru to eMuse's 70th birthday, the cut-off date in March 2011. eMuse also published several Audio Video CDs and the DVD "Singularities," video chapters of moving stills from days in the life, showcasing my own Soundtracks.
The Crystal Soft Synth Video Quintet on eMuse's MiniMedia page is an example thereof.
In mid-decade, I released Three Dance Tracks [really Four],
June Funk, Taps, the fine Mashup Squirrel Island
, the Video and Soundtrack Magnificent Maui,
and mostly but not all light comedy " Ten Assorted Beethoven Jokes".
Since mid-decade, eMuse's Music Videos and soft synth Music Soundtracks have proliferated. Early examples of the Music Videos A Parade of Men and Back To School,. I have set up mini-Media primarily for short soft synth music pieces and their videos. These together with Musicworks and the ~ mediasplashes ~ links above and below take you to the chapters of my media music Odyssey, the Adventures of eMuse, seXagenarian in the New Millennium. during the Noughties...
Thank you for sharing glimpses of this decade thru mine eyes.
Although time marches on, I hope you've seen
how some eMuse after 60.
And drip tawdry glamor on a dime.
When you feel down, stand tall breathe deep or Play with music or listen to a href="" target="_blank">birds and crickets or all of the above.
Hope for a bit of wisdom and a few moments of freedom to fulfill your dreams.
Fare thee well.
Tess Heder, Cambridge MA. August 2011
Home(c) 2001-2011
Email me
Her Travel and Music Videos on YouTube
~ mediasplashes ~
music ... 'La Ronde' Soundscapes... beethoven jokes ... 1950's family pics .... snapsnslides .... 'Maui' Suite ... minimedia ..... 'Late Work'... on the net ~
ESOTERIC by Ganesh Baba
eMuse Home Page (C) 2001-2011 Tess Heder Email
You Tube Channels: TessaMuso Refreshing007 eMusette TessHeder
My Space
theder007 on Photobucket eMuse Odyssey on Tess Heder on
Pics from her Harvard Square neighborhood and House, Summer 2007.
2010 ~ And so the Heart Beats of the Noughties are Over. . . . .
Salam a Tous
Tess Heder 's "Shortbio" is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.