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Max   Isenbergh and Pearl   Evans   Isenbergh

Link to Max and Pearl Photos
from the 1940s and 1950s and earlier

Hear Max Isenbergh play Mozart

- - http://www.tessheder.com/Music/06181960MaxMozartBlvdStGermain192clip01.mp3 Max Isenbergh Plays Mozart Paris 1960 Part 1 - http://www.tessheder.com/Music/06181960MaxMozartBlvdStGermain192clip02.mp3 Max Isenbergh Plays Mozart Paris 1960 Part 2 - http://www.tessheder.com/Music/06181960MaxMozartBlvdStGermain192clip03.mp3 Max Isenbergh Plays Mozart Paris 1960 Part 3 This text will be replaced by the flash music player.

Commemorative Funeral Music written for Pearl Evans Isenbergh  



Size: 3.4MB Date: Mar 2005         
An imaginary funeral procession written by Tess for her mother,
Pearl Evans Isenbergh upon her death, 1917-2005.
Credits: The piano clip that opens and closes the piece is one Tess heard
Pearl play for ballet classes when she was a child. The short guitar clip
is taken from a 10-Instruments MIDI version of Sweet Chicago
and is not in beat time -- much like a funeral shofar.
Fruity Loop percussion samples were battered to make the other sounds.
For instance, the train is a Fxed snare loop.

Commemorative Funeral Music written for Max Isenbergh  

Listen [alone or with Pearl's Music above] or Download:

For Max In A

Size: 8.1MB Date: May 2001         
"Dhere dhere", a North Indian drumsong for tabla drums
provides the foundation for this tape piece by Tess Heder.
This rendition was home-recorded by Tess (playing tablas) and SuZen
(on percussion) in November 1982. The original song track was dubbed
with various sound effects such as vocoded segments, MIDI songs,
and short clips from a recent Don Byron jazz clarinet CD.
"Snake Bytes For Max in A" was written soon after the death of Max Isenbergh, 1913-2001,
Tess's father, an excellent musician and a life-long performing avocational clarinettist.
The title acknowledges 2001 as the Chinese Year of the White Snake.

In the background the family homestead from 1950 to 2006:
2216 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington D.C.

~ mediasplashes ~ original music ... beethoven jokes ... snapshots .... multimedia ... VIgnettes ..... Tess Heder..... eMuseBio ~

Isenberghs Last Stand:
Greece April 1955 Pearl Max David Joe Tess

(C) 2001-2012 Tess Heder aka eMuse
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